
There is no steadfast rule about namings in the Wonderland H3. You may have heard that you get named on your 5th WDLH3 hash. This is not true. We've named people before that have never even done a hash before. We named them during an on after they showed up to before ever even accomplishing their first trail. It all depends upon what you do. When you do something that makes you stand out we try to name you for it. We normally don't make a conscious effort to consider naming someone until they have done at least 5 WDLH3 hashes. Haring a trail for the WDLH3 will usually speed the process up.

Instant Namings

When an un-named hasher is observed doing or saying something that really stands out and the observer thinks they should be name in reference to this action/verbiage, the observer shall bring it up during the circle at the end and ask the group for a consensus. The vote generally must be 100% unanimous, except for other un-named hashers, who are not permitted to vote.


If a named hasher does not believe they were name properly, or just hate their name and want to be renamed, they can request a re-naming. The hasher requesting a renaming must realize that the new name may very well be worse than their original name. Good reasons to be renamed is if the name is  construed to be offensive due to race, religion or politics.

Pack Rules

The above guidance is just the opinion of the WDLH3 founder and can always be overridden by the whim of the pack, because, as always, the pack rules.

Kilted Big Wave

WDLH3 Founder & GM

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